Saturday, October 27, 2012

Candy Bar Brownies

Sorry for the long delay - I've been bogged down by such a busy schedule. -.-

But now I'm back, and with candy bar brownies!  I've made these once before, using Joanne Fluke's recipe, but I didn't find the brownie taste quite to my liking.  I'm not sure how well my best brownie recipe would work with these, because then they'd be soooo insanely rich, but you could try it!

Here's the very non-specific recipe:

Candy Bar Brownies
1 family size (9x13) brownie mix
all the ingredients that the mix calls for
enough candy bars (any kind) to cover a 9x9 pan
  1. Preheat oven as directed by the box and grease a 9x9 pan.
  2. Prepare your brownie mix as directed.
  3. Spread half of the mix into your prepared pan.
  4. Layer your candy bars over the top of the brownie layer.
  5. Spread the remaining batter on top.
  6. Bake for about 60 minutes.  It depends on your oven, so keep checking the brownies to see if they're done.
  7. Let cool on a wire rack until only slightly warm before you cut the brownies.  Do NOT cut warm.  Makes about 16 brownies.
So, as you can see, it took about this many (21 singles) Kit-Kats to cover my pan.  The original recipe is doubled, so that it makes a 9x13 pan.

You can use any brownie recipe you like - but the box mix is sure to work.  It really depends on the taste you want - and you rich you want these brownies to be!  And if you use Kit-Kats like I did, don't be surprised when there's solid, crunchy Kit-Kat in there.  If you use solid milk chocolate, for example, it'll just be like a more fudgy brownie.
I don't recommend using Snickers or Milky Ways or any other thick candy bar, though - try to keep your candy flat.  I do recommend making these, however!

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