Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Everything But the Kitchen Sink Bark

Yeah, it's a fancy title for "leftovers" again.


A special rant from JJ!

(Don't worry.  S'not that bad.)

So, as you may know, a certain superhero movie came out last weekend: The Avengers.  And as you probably don't know, I'm kind of a girly-nerd.  I like superhero movies, and video games, and shipping.

I am a rabid shipper.

(Shipping = Interwebs term for putting two characters/people together, often combing their names - think "Brangelina" - and going awwww <3 <3 <3)

So, while reveling in the awesomeness of several very attractive actors playing superheroes...


...I came across the good ship Blackhawk.  (Black Widow x Hawkeye)

I spent basically half the movie freaking out about how adorable they would be together.

Right now you're probably thinking either "She's crazy" or "Why is there no yummly food yet?".  Patience.  The best ships sail slowly.

Anyway, see the movie - if not for Blackhawk, then for RDJ, who is always amazing.

Now, Everything But the Kitchen Sink Bark!

Dipping those Cookie Dough Truffles left a fair amount of delectable melted chocolate left over (especially because I used half of the second bag of chocolate chips, being a verrrry generous dipper...).  What better thing to do with melted chocolate than make it into bark?  (Okay, besides eat it with a spoon.  Granted, there was some of that, too.  Oops.)

So, that's why there aren't any exact measurements in this recipe.  Or good directions.  I'm basically just documenting what I did and still wondering how the heck I got it to work out okay.

Everything But the Kitchen Sink Bark
1 cup white chocolate chips (and oil if necessary)
1/2 cup semisweet chips
1/4 cup cashews
White chocolate or semisweet chips to garnish
  1. Line a pan/large plate with wax paper.
  2. Melt white chocolate chips in a metal bowl set over a saucepan of simmering water, stirring constantly.  (Make sure the bowl doesn't touch the water.)  Add vegetable oil if it starts to seize up.  
  3. Pour semisweet chips into white chocolate and stir gently.  Once the mixture begins to swirl, immediately remove from heat and pour over prepared pan/plate.
  4. Sprinkle with cashews and extra chips.
  5. Cool in refrigerator for about an hour.  Break into pieces.

And it tasted pretty good for such strangely-created bark.  Good job, me! XD

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