Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Pickle Wraps

Ever since my godmother showed me how to make these for lunch one day, I've loved making pickle wraps.  They're great as a snack, an anti-sandwich, or (what I usually do) an appetizer.  They're ridiculously simple to make, and despite the way they look and sound when you hear the ingredients, they taste awesome. :)

Pickle Wraps

jar of whole dill pickles
8 oz cream cheese, softened
package roast beef slices

  1. Using a paper towel, dry off a pickle.  Use another (or the same) paper towel to dry off a slice of roast beef.
  2. Spread the roast beef with cream cheese.
  3. Place pickle at one end of the roast beef slice and roll.
  4. Repeat until you run out of pickles/roast beef.  (You won't run out of cream cheese.  Probably.)
  5. Either serve as is or cut into slices and stick toothpicks in them.  To store, place in an airtight container or wrap a platter of pickle wraps in plastic wrap and keep in the refrigerator.
Breaking it down...
These are the three ingredients you need:
If you can get those brands exactly, they worked the best out of all the times I've made pickle wraps.  Thicker roast beef slices tend to tear less when you spread them with cream cheese.  It also helps a lot if the cream cheese is really soft.  So, dry off a pickle...
...and dry off a roast beef slice...
Spread the roast beef slice with cream cheese...
Place a pickle on it...
...and roll it up.
Then slice.  It sort of looks like a strange kind of sushi, doesn't it?
You'll have lots of leftovers which are good eats for lunch or heck, right away. :)
Place your sliced pickle wraps on a shmancy platter...
Spear them with toothpicks...
...and serve!
And no, I'm not kidding about the "they taste really good" part.  If I was, I'd be posting it on April 1st.  And I'm not.  So trust me, and try these.

Bon appétit!


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